Sunday, July 18, 2010


A blog is a term used for a web log and is generally used by one author. I set up my blog through Google Blogger and it was very simple. So far I have discovered how to upload my photo and customise my background, headings and text. Blogs are an excellent tool for learning and they would be beneficial for many key learning areas the most obvious being English and the genre of recounts. Alternatively, the use of blogs could really enhance learning in other areas such as science in the form of a journal with links to websites and learning objects or technology could use a blog to document the whole process. For students who are reluctant writers blogs can be a good tool to engage students in writing as they can follow their peers and read other blogs as well as gain valuable feedback from others in particular their learning manager. On the other hand, using blogs in the classroom needs a few considerations, such as closely monitoring the content to protect students from cyber-bullying, some students do not have access to the technology, it cannot be assumed that all Gen Y students are computer literate and will know how to use the software and just because it is digital technology doesn't mean the students will be engaged. It is interesting to note that new technology in the classroom doesn't necessarily mean less work for the learning manager. On the contrary, teachers would need to scaffold the learners, establish clear rules and expectations for blogging and then monitor them closely. In addition, blogging in the classroom will provide many teachable opportunities to explore concepts such as cyber-bullying and netiquette, information literacy and what makes a source credible.


  1. Hi Sheena
    I agree with you using technology in the classroom is about quality not quantity. There is no use using technology for the sake of using technology, it should have meaning to the students as well as be engaging, and have purpose.I also agree with your comment on scaffolding such digital tools sometimes it is more time consuming than just the old fashioned diary in their literacy books, but i think it is worth it.As we know from our research collaborative learning is a vital skill in the classroom and a blog is a great way to achieve this effect.

  2. HI Sheena,
    With new directions being shown in innovative and creative learning technologies, , Prensky (2001) states that educators are faced with digital learning insecurities. New digital languages are being developed in the workplace and educational curriculums and not developed enough in the professional development of teachers’ ability to learn this new language: computer literacy for teachers is a subject that needs more consideration. Integration of computer skills and computer literacy is of paramount importance, as critical literacy and technological learning frameworks address these aspects in current research
